Professional Mentorship

Crafting a Career Plan

After you’ve discovered valuable insights about yourself and established a solid network, you’ll work with your career strategist to set purposeful and concrete goals. This includes helping you position yourself successfully to network with other professionals.

Internship Placement

We connect companies and organizations in San Diego with talented students. And we’ll connect you with internships and jobs that best suit your strengths and interests.

Job Search Support

Receive individualized feedback on your cover letter, resume, and LinkedIn profile. Learn how to strategically pursue your career goals and market your unique skills to targeted employers. Gain access to our online job board that offers a rich source of career opportunities when looking for employment.

Experience Before Your First Day on the Job

You will have countless opportunities to bring your learning off campus. Many of our students go on to internships at all types of businesses and organizations. In many cases, these internships can turn into careers after graduation.

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