Nothing produces more satisfaction than solving a tough problem or giving advice and perspective into a topic. If you are naturally outgoing and inquisitive, or an innate problem-solver who loves to use your analytical skills, a career in finance could be a great fit for you.
Finance majors from PLNU are trained to embrace and apply their strength in logical reasoning to real-life situations and use discernment based on values and ethics to propose solutions. You'll take application-oriented courses that will introduce you to financial management, valuation, and investments, while at the same time build your communication skills as you present your analyses and conclusions. You will also gain an understanding of various topics, such as capital markets, mergers, corporate restructuring, financial planning, and forecasting, to enable you to make sound financial decisions.
"PLNU has a great environment full of professors with relevant professional experience and a passion for investing in the minds of students. PLNU provided a network of mentors willing to help and connect along my journey."
Sam Sadler, Class of 2015
Assurance Associate, Ernst and Young
Additionally, student-run business clubs like the Finance and Investment Society or Microfinance Club offer you another opportunity to apply what you are learning to real-world circumstances. You will be able to connect with other passionate students in your field, establish relationships with business professionals in the finance industry, and possibly compete against other universities in the CFA Research Challenge. Overall, PLNU and the Fermanian School of Business offer you many ways to get involved and pursue your passion.