Do you have the tendency to apply logic and order to numbers and processes? Have you ever been described as someone with excellent organizational skills and a keen eye for detail? Does the potential of helping organizations succeed and achieve their goals excite you? If so, a degree in accounting can lead to a fulfilling and meaningful career.
Accounting has often been described as the language or foundation of business. By pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from PLNU, you can uncover, hone, and apply your natural problem-solving and decision-making skills — turning them into meaningful work. Classes in financial and managerial accounting, taxation, auditing, strategy, and more will prepare you to implement your knowledge and skill-set to a diversity of fields and industries.
With a high emphasis on experiential learning and application, networking opportunities through clubs like the Student Accounting Society or personalized internships will help develop your professional skills and connect you to future jobs in the accounting field.
Finally, PLNU prepares you for the Certified Public Accounting (CPA) examination by providing the technical accounting knowledge to be successful, while also shaping you to be a leader of purpose and influence beyond your studies. PLNU’s accounting program has consistently been ranked in the top three for the CPA exam in either passing rate or average score for four of the last five years in California.
Master of Science in Accounting Opportunity
Beginning Fall 2023, PLNU students interested in obtaining CPA licensure will have the opportunity to obtain a dual Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Accounting by adding one additional summer of coursework. Only PLNU undergraduate students who complete their degree at PLNU are eligible to enroll in the Master of Science in Accounting program at PLNU.
Students who apply as a traditional undergraduate student do not need to apply for the Masters in Accounting. You will talk to your faculty advisor when you begin your Junior year at PLNU.

Professional Licensure or Certification
This program complies with the California Board of Accountancy educational requirements for CPA Licensure in the state of California, where Point Loma Nazarene University is physically located. For information about PLNU programs and out-of-state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification, please refer to our disclosures page. Information about out-of-state requirements in Accounting is available on this website