Information for New Students

As you prepare to join the campus community, the wellness team is eager to assist you to maintain good health and wellbeing as you complete your college education.  Submission of health documents and preparation for care while away from home will assist our wellness team to provide high quality care and support for your holistic needs.

The following information and action is required prior to the start of Welcome Week:

  1. A complete Immunization Record and TB Screening Form.
    1. Proof of Health Insurance  (Sign in to your OneLogin. Click on the 'Point N Click Patient Portal' icon, and navigate to the 'Insurance Card' section on the left side menu to upload the front and back of your insurance Card).
    2. All immunizations listed on the form are required for matriculation. Medical exemptions are accepted based on requirements listed HERE.
    3. Medical Exemption Request Form

Requirements for Undergraduate Students

#1 Tuberculosis Screening Form

#2 Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR)

2 dose immunization or positive titer

#3 Varicella (chicken pox)

2 dose immunization or positive titer

#4 Meningococcal ACWY

Conjugate vaccine (serogroups A-C-W-Y/135)

#5 Meningococcal B

2 dose immunization

#6 Tdap

(Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) Within past 10 years

#7 Hepatitis B

3 dose series or positive titer

Other recommended vaccinations (not required for matriculation)

Submitting documents is easy. Once you have the forms completed by your healthcare provider, please upload them to the Patient Portal. This is done by visiting, signing in to your OneLogin, clicking on the 'Point N Click Patient Portal' icon, and navigating to the 'Forms and Requirements' section on the left side menu. Please also include a copy of the front and back of your medical insurance card in the 'Insurance Card' section. The deadline for Fall semester is July 1; deadline for Spring semester is January 1.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't have a doctor?

Use your health insurance to search for a doctor through the insurance company website or call the company for assistance. Otherwise, there are many types of clinics available for those who have no doctor. Conducting a simple online search is a great starting place to find a clinic in your geographical area. Many drop-in type clinics (such as CVS MinuteClinic) are affordable and convenient. Make sure the scope of services offered includes the ability to draw and send labs, and a review of your previous records, including immunizations, for the physician to sign off on our forms. County/community clinics also offer health services, including immunizations, to assist with income-based health needs for those who meet eligibility criteria.

What if I can't get an appointment with my healthcare provider until after the form submission deadline?

Be sure to let the doctor’s office staff know you are in need of an immunization for college admission; many times you will receive priority availability. If need be, ask to take the next cancellation. You will need to arrange for your immunizations update prior to the July 1 deadline. Don’t put this off; make it a priority.

What should I do if my physician doesn’t speak English?

You will need to have the information on immunization verification forms and all your records translated into English.

I am an international student. Can I use my own insurance?

All international students must accept PLNU’s insurance policy. The PLNU Student Health Insurance Policy guarantees you will receive comprehensive ACA-compliant healthcare while in the U.S.

What happens if I do not meet the forms submission deadline?

You run the risk of seriously delaying housing and class registration if you do not meet the deadline of July 1. However, forms submitted late are better than no forms submitted at all. Be advised that students without immunization or TB information on file in the Wellness Center may be removed from residence halls and/or campus in case of a campus outbreak of an immunizable disease.

What if I don't have the money for the immunizations?

Most communities have clinics that provide affordable healthcare services, including immunizations, for those facing financial challenges. Search for your County Public Health Center online for local sites.