Payment and Billing

Due Dates

Due Dates

Payment in full for the enrolled session is due by the second Friday of each session. 

A late fee of five percent will be imposed on all student accounts, with outstanding balances remaining at the close of business hours on the designated payment due date.

View Important Dates and Deadlines

There are two main methods to make a payment:

By MailOnline

Send your statement stub (printed from your portal account) with a check to:

Attn: Student Financial Services
3900 Lomaland Dr.
San Diego, CA 92106

One-time e-check payments can be made via Workday.

***Credit/Debit Cards are not accepted for tuition payment.

 How to Make A Payment

Viewing Your Bill

Viewing Your Bill

View your statement by following these steps.

  • Log in to
  • Click the Finances Application
  • Click the yellow View Statement button 
  • Select the appropriate term and then select ok to view your statement. 

Before the close of each academic term's payment deadline, enrolled students and any authorized third-party users will receive an email notification advising them to access their statement via Workday.

This statement is a detailed document encompassing the class schedule, term-specific charges, applied payments, and anticipated amounts of pending financial aid or payments.

The "due now" figure represents the payment obligation. Furthermore, the statement of account, or bill, serves as the official invoice from which payments should be made.


Need Parent or Third Party Access?

Does someone other than you need access to your bill or financial information (your parents, guardian, spouse, etc.)? Have them set up a Third Party User Account via Workday. Then they will be able to see your statements, make payments, and receive important email notifications.

Payment Plan

Payment Plan

PLNU students have two primary options available for settling remaining account balances. 

  • Pay in Full: There are three methods of payment available (online, by mail, in person).
  • Tuition Installment Plan (TIP): Students and parents seeking assistance with large semester payments or aiming to reduce loan debt can enroll in an interest-free payment plan.

Pay in Full

There are four methods of payment available.

OnlineBy MailIn PersonWire Payments

E-check payments can only be made online through your portal account. Here’s how:

  1. Log into Workday.
  2. Select Finances Worklet.
  3. Click on Make a Payment.
  4. In the Payment Description Field, select E-Check Payment.
  5. Payment Type will auto-populate. Verify the Payment Amount and select ok.
  6. Confirm the Payment and select ok.

Send your statement stub (printed from your portal account) with a check to:

Attn: Student Financial Services
3900 Lomaland Drive
San Diego, CA 92106

Be sure to include the student's name and ID number on the check.

Visit the PLNU cashier in Draper Hall
(Next to SFS Office)

Open Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and then again from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.


This is an ideal option for international students. Send your payment via a wire transfer.
Instructions for sending — Point Loma Nazarene University WIRE Instructions.

Credit and debit cards are not accepted as payment. Please pay with cash, check, cashier’s check, or money order.

Tuition Installment Plan (TIP)

PLNU offers students and parents a monthly payment plan known as the Tuition Installment Plan (TIP). This interest-free payment plan is designed to assist those seeking help with managing large semester payments or aiming to reduce loan debt.

Fall Semester Auto-pay datesSpring Semester Auto-pay datesSummer Semester Auto-pay dates
3 Month: Sept 15th, Oct 15th, Nov 15th3 Month: Jan 15th, Feb 15th, Mar 15th3 Month: May 15th, Jun 15th, Jul 15th
2 Month (Q1): Sept 15th, Oct 15th2 Month (Q1): Jan 15th, Feb 15th2 Month (Q1): May 15th, Jun 15th
2 Month (Q2): Oct 15th, Nov 15th2 Month (Q2): Feb 15th, Mar 15th2 Month (Q2): Jun 15th, Jul 15th

Tuition Installment Plan FAQs

What is PLNU's Tuition Installment Plan (TIP)?

The Tuition Installment Plan helps families of undergraduate students by dividing educational costs into multiple payments per semester without accruing interest or late fees as long as the budget covers the current semester's charges and payments are made on time, according to the contracted amounts.

How do I enroll?

To enroll in TIP, log into Workday. Click the Tuition Installment Plan (TIP) worklet and follow the online instructions. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a non-refundable enrollment fee of $40 per semester plan.  

LINK: How to Enroll in TIP

How can I pay?

Direct debit: Your checking account will be automatically debited on the 5th or 20th of the month according to the payment plan you select.

How do I confirm that my TIP budget is sufficient?

Compare your completed worksheet to your semester bill. If you find a discrepancy, you can adjust your budget by contacting your Student Financial Services advisor or emailing your change to

What else do I need to know?

  • The enrollment fee is non-refundable.
  • Non-budgeted items such as library fees, Wellness Center charges, parking fees, chapel fines, and residence hall fines should be paid directly to PLNU.
  • Only semester charges billed through student accounts can be included in your TIP budget. Semester charges include tuition, housing, meal plans, mandatory fees, health insurance, and course fees. Books cannot be included.
  • Returned payments will be charged a $25 service fee.
  • Two returned checks will result in cancellation of your semester plan. The balance on your contract will post to your student's account and a 5% late fee will be assessed on the remaining student account balance. 

Changes to your Bill

Changes to Your Bill

There are several reasons changes to your bill can occur throughout the semester.  Changes in registration and fines are some of the charges that could affect your bill. 

It is important you keep an eye on your student account, even after paying in full, because there are many reasons your account balance may change. 

Reasons your student account balance may change after the first bill:

Lender Fees

The initial statement of account will include the actual amount of aid for which you have been awarded, but it will include an estimate of the amount of origination fees your lender will subtract prior to sending the funds to PLNU. Lenders are allowed some flexibility in the amount of fees they charge, so it is possible the amount that posts to your student account will be slightly different than the amount of aid that appeared on your first statement of account.

Changes in Registration

If you register for 12-17 units, you will be charged a “block” tuition rate. This means your tuition costs will not change when you add or drop classes within 12-17 units. However, if you make a change to your registration that brings you outside of block tuition, you will see a change in your tuition costs.

Some courses carry additional fees that will be charged regardless of whether or not you are within block tuition. For example, if you add a science lab with an associated fee, you will be charged the lab fee even if you are not charged for additional units. Also, if you add a private music lesson you will be charged a Private Music Lesson Fee as well as a Practice Room Fee.

If you register for an independent study (or directed study) course, you will be charged a $250 fee per unit in addition to any tuition costs. For example, if you register for a 3-unit independent study course that brings you to 18 units, you will be charged for the one unit of tuition that is above block tuition and you will be charged an additional $750 fee ($250/unit). If you add an independent study course but remain within block tuition, you will only be charged the additional $250/unit.

For more information regarding specific fees, please refer to the Tuition and Fees section of the Graduate and Professional Services Catalog.

Manual Charges

We endeavor to ensure that all charges are placed on your student account prior to sending out your first statement of account. However, there are some charges that must be placed manually and may hit your account after the first bill has been sent out.

Fines that may hit your student account at various times during the semester:

Public Safety Fines

Parking and Public Safety fines are placed on student accounts if they have not been paid or appealed within 10 days of the ticket issue date. 

Read more about Public Safety policies and appealing or paying for a ticket.

Using Your 529 Plan

Using Your 529 Plan

A 529 Plan is an education savings plan operated by a state or educational institution designed to help families set aside funds for future college costs. It is named after Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, which created these types of savings plans in 1996.

PLNU accepts 529 Plans as a tuition payment method.

PLNU has worked with state, employer, and private 529 Plans. Please contact the Student Financial Services office if you have questions about your 529 Plan.

Read more about 529 Plans on the IRS website.

Withdrawals and Refunds

Withdrawals and Refunds

If a student withdraws from PLNU during a semester, a portion of the student’s financial aid may have to be returned. To begin the withdrawal process, a student must contact the Office of Records. Refunds and returns will be determined by the official date of withdrawal as determined by the records office. If a student does not begin the official withdrawal process, the official date of withdrawal is determined in consultation with the records office.

Tuition Refund (Institutional Refund Policy)

Tuition is refunded based on the following schedule:


Semester CourseWeeks 1-2Week 3Week 4Weeks 5-8Weeks 9-end of session
7- to 9-Week CourseWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Weeks 5-end of session

5- or 6-Week Course

Week 1 Weeks 2-3 Weeks 4-end of session
3-Week Course1st-2nd classes3rd-4th classes5th class6th-7th classes8th-2th classes

Five 8-Hour Classes

1st class2nd class3rd class 4th-5th classes

*For any other class configuration, refunds are based on the percentage of class time elapsed in a proportional manner to the total amount of class time.
**Please note: The summer refund calendar calculations may differ due to varying term lengths.

Financial Aid Returns and Return of Title IV Funds

Federal aid returns are determined according to the Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4 calculation) process as mandated by federal regulation. The R2T4 process calculates any unearned financial aid received or post-withdrawal disbursement due to the student. Post withdrawal disbursements are considered aid that could have been disbursed which is determined with the R2T4 calculation. If a post-withdrawal disbursement is due to the student the SFS office will disburse those federal funds in accordance with Federal Student Aid post-withdrawal disbursement rules. Additionally, any unearned federal financial aid will be processed and returned to the Department of Education in accordance with federal student aid guidance.

Note: students begin earning financial aid from the first day of class and the percentage of financial aid earned is determined by dividing the number of days the student completed in the term by the total number of days in the term. If the student attended 60% or more days the student can retain all aid originally awarded. If the student attends less than 60% PLNU will return funds.

Funds will be returned in the following order:

Order of return of Title IV funds a school must return Title IV funds to the programs from which the student received aid during the payment period or period of enrollment as applicable, in the following order, up to the net amount disbursed from each source:

  • Unsubsidized Direct Loans (other than Direct PLUS Loans)
  • Subsidized Direct Loans
  • Direct PLUS Loans
  • Federal Pell Grants for which a return of Title IV funds is required
  • FSEOG for which a return of Title IV funds is required
  • TEACH Grants for which a return of Title IV funds is required
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, for which a return of Title IV funds is required

If there were 109 total days in the term and the student completed 54 days, the student would earn 49.5% of the Title IV aid received (54/109 = 49.5%).

In our example, the student originally received the following federal awards for the term:

Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan$3,484
Graduate PLUS Loan$2,737
Total Federal Aid$6,221

Per the government’s formula, the student earned $3,079 (49.5% x $6,221 = $3,079).

Next, we need to determine the amount of aid that needs to be returned to the Title IV programs (total federal aid originally received minus aid earned).

Total Federal Aid Originally Received$6,221
Total Federal Aid Earned-$3,079
Total Federal Aid to be Returned$3,142

The student is responsible for any owing balance this may cause on the student’s PLNU account. PLNU will return any unearned Title IV funds to the Department of Education on the student’s behalf.

Cal Grant

Cal Grant is returned according to the Institutional Refund Policy.

If the student withdraws during the third week of semester-long courses, PLNU will return 75% of the Cal Grant disbursed. 

Amount disbursed $4,612 x 75% = $3,459; PLNU will retain $1,153.

Institutional Aid

Institutional Aid (academic, departmental, athletic, and endowed scholarships; church and institutional grants, etc.) is returned according to the Institutional Refund Policy.

If the student withdraws during the fourth week of semester-long courses and received a provost academic scholarship, PLNU will return 50% of the amount disbursed.

Amount disbursed $3,500 x 50% = $1,750, PLNU will retain $1,750

Tuition Remission

Tuition remission is equal to the amount charged. 

If the student withdraws during the sixth week of semester-long courses, the student will be charged 75% of tuition cost.

Cost of tuition is $14,450 for the semester x 75%. Tuition remission = $10,837.50.

VA and Other Outside Agency Awards

These are returned according to the agencies’ policies.

Department of Defense (DOD) Tuition Assistance Refund Policy


Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally awarded. To comply with the Department of Defense (DOD) policy, Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU) will return any unearned TA funds on a prorated basis through at least the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending (withdrawal from, dropping the course, or ceasing to attend). In instances when a service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, PLNU will work with the affected service member to identify solutions that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion in compliance with the DOD policy.

Student Responsibility

This policy serves to fully inform students receiving military tuition assistance of the required actions the College must take to comply with the DOD Memorandum of Understanding Return Policy for Military Tuition Assistance funds rules and align with the return of unearned student aid rules applicable to the Federal Student Aid as required under section 484B of the Department of Education Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965.


This policy applies only to students receiving Military Tuition Assistance (TA). This tuition assistance is a benefit that is available only while the student is in the service. This policy does not apply to Veterans or Veterans benefits. Refund calculations apply to any student who is attending Point Loma Nazarene University and withdraws within 60% into the period of enrollment for which the student has received TA. The amount of unearned TA that is returned is based on the date of withdrawal from the course. Once a student has completed more than 60% of the period of enrollment, all of their assistance has been earned (by the school) and will be retained by the university. Withdrawals prior to 60% follow the refund schedule detailed above.

Private Loan Funds

These are returned according to the Institutional Refund Policy. Upon the student’s request, PLNU may retain funds to pay any balances, since this is a private loan the student must pay back.

Employer Discounts

Employer Discounts

Many school districts and other employers offer discounts for students to attend PLNU. Please contact your employer and program advisor if you believe you are eligible for a discount. You will need to provide proof of employment each academic year if you are eligible. This should be submitted to the Graduate Student Financial Services office.

Billing FAQs

Billing FAQ's

What are e-bills?

E-bills are online student billing statements that display student-related financial activity such as tuition, fees, housing, financial aid, and payments. E-bills are available online through PLNU’s student and parent portals.

How does e-billing work?

Bills will be available online through PLNU’s student and parent portals. On a monthly basis, students will receive an email notification if there is a balance due on your student account, advising that your e-bill is available to view and pay on the portal. The e-mail will be sent to your official university PLNU gmail account. If you have authorized other individuals to have access to your financial information (such as parents, guardians, a spouse, or third-party sponsor), they will receive a postcard by mail advising that the e-bill is available to view and pay.

How can I pay my e-bill?

Bills can be paid two ways:

  1. Pay online by e-check. You are not required to pay online. E-check is a fast and secure method to electronically pay your e-bill from a checking or savings account. There is no convenience fee when paying by e-check.

  2. Pay by mailing a check to PLNU, Office of Student Financial Services, 3900 Lomaland Drive, San Diego, CA 92106. Please write your PLNU ID number on the memo line at the bottom of the check. Be sure you have allowed sufficient time for your payment to arrive by the due date.

Can I mail my payment?

We encourage you to make your payment online, but if you wish to mail your payment, please print your bill and detach and include the payment remittance form at the top of the bill with your payment. Please write your PLNU ID number on the memo line at the bottom of the check. Mail the payment to PLNU, Office of Student Financial Services, 3900 Lomaland Drive, San Diego, CA 92106. Be sure you have allowed sufficient time for your payment to arrive by the due date.

What are the benefits of e-billing?

  • Student privacy — only you and those you authorize can see your e-bills and payment history

  • Parents or other authorized payers can view the bill prior to submitting payment

  • E-bills are up-to-date on a real-time basis, and are available to view 24 hours a day, seven days a week

  • Automatic email notification each month if there is a balance due on the account

  • Better use of university resources

How do I access my e-bill?

  1. Log into your student portal ( and enter your username and password.
  2. Click on Students at the top of the page.
  3. Under the Financial Services section, click on Statement of Account.

How do authorized payers access my e-bill?

Authorized payers will need to set up a parent portal to view and/or pay your e-bill. Read detailed instructions on how to set up a parent portal.

How do I authorize my parents or others to view and/or pay my e-bill?

How can my family obtain my bill if they do not have access to a computer?

If others normally pay your bill and they do not have access to a computer, you can print and mail it to them or simply provide them with the balance due and the payment mailing address. Please be sure they write your PLNU ID number on the memo line at the bottom of the check.

How can I view and/or print my bill if I do not have a computer at home?

Your options include:

  • You can access any computer on campus, including computers for student use in the Student Financial Services office, to view and/or print your bill.

  • Visit a public library or Internet café to access your e-bill.

  • Your employer may have a computer available to access your e-bill.

  • Ask a family member or friend who has a computer to access your e-bill.

Will my e-bill show the payment I just made?

Yes, each time you access your e-bill online, the information will be up-to-date with the most recent payment transactions. Payments are posted in real-time, the same day. However, new charges, tuition adjustments due to class changes, and financial aid adjustments will be posted within 24 hours.