Are you fascinated by the difficult questions of the human condition? Do you get angry or inspired by issues of social justice, longing to understand the driving factors behind them and to work to establish peace and equality? If so, pursuing a philosophy minor, combined with any number of majors, will allow you to blend your passion for exploring life’s profound questions with your desire for meaningful work.
Philosophy is an explicit and intentional study of what it means to be human, and as such it’s powerfully formative for any student, regardless of major. In addition to learning to contend with complex concepts, philosophy minors will also be trained to critically analyze difficult texts, problem-solve creatively, and speak and write persuasively, clearly articulating their thoughts and ideas. These skills will prepare you for graduate school or any career field of your choice. Whether your dreams lie in business, law, education, politics, entertainment, or anywhere else, the foundational skills gained from this specialization will make you stand out in your field of choice.