Do you have a personality that drives you to help people? Are habits like eating well or working out a priority for you? Does motivating, teaching, and being a catalyst for behavioral change in the health and lifestyles of others interest you? If so, a PLNU degree in health and human performance can lead to a very fulfilling and worthwhile career.
Pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Health and Human Performance isn’t simply lifting heavy weights or being able to run fast — it's about working with people to overcome their fears; identify and prevent injuries; help them avoid preventable disease; and live out a healthy, happy lifestyle. From biomechanics and anatomy to physiology or psychology, expect to find yourself gaining important skills in fitness assessment, exercise prescription, proper nutrition for fueling performance, and ethical/faithful leadership in this fast-growing discipline.
PLNU health and human performance majors are also required to complete concentrations in either exercise and sports science or pre-allied health, which aim to engage students in topics around the health and fitness industry, strength and conditioning, nutrition, learning theory, physical education, coaching, and many more conversations.
Exercise and Sports Science
The Exercise and Sport Science Concentration focuses on the science and practice of sports performance, physical fitness, and life-long health. Students prepare for a range of professional certifications and careers in the movement professions, including Personal Training, Athletic Coaching, Strength and Conditioning, Sport Science, Physical Education, Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics, Corporate Wellness, Fire, and Law Enforcement. Students in this degree program will explore the science of human movement, conduct physical fitness assessments, and learn to use metrics and evidence in developing exercise programs that help clients and athletes build physical fitness safely and efficiently.
Pre-Allied Health
The Pre-Allied Health Concentration is designed to prepare students for careers in Athletic Training (via our 3 + 2 year track leading to the MS in Athletic Training), Occupational Therapy, and Post-Baccalaureate Nursing. If you are interested in becoming an Athletic Trainer click here for more information on the 3 + 2 program.