As a first-generation college student and minister, Point Loma has been a place where I have gotten to explore my calling to ministry, grow in confidence in my voice, and step into many expressions of leadership with people that have shaped me into who I am today.
In my time here, that leadership has included helping to lay the spiritual and physical groundwork for a trauma center in Wyoming called The Sanctuary, being a student writer for youth ministry curriculum organization, helping start the Delight Ministries D-Group at PLNU, working in the School of Theology, interning in youth ministry at Porterville Church of Nazarene, working on a collaborative writing project of liturgies for youth, and my current role serving as an RA for freshmen students. After graduating, I hope to serve in pastoral ministry and continue my journey in writing.
What is the impact you’d like to make on the world?
In a culture that tends to glorify busyness and dismiss suffering, oftentimes not making enough room for people, I desire to lead and love in such a way that invites others to their place at God’s table of transforming grace, where all are welcome. Because of this, I see my role in the local church as creating avenues for connection with God and others through thoughtful preaching and teaching, creativity in expressions of worship, honest writing, taking pain seriously, practicing rest, and through it all, loving others well. Ultimately, I hope to cultivate faith that is dynamic, communities that are hospitable, and a witness to Christ that is vibrant across generations. I believe that at the heart of this kind of impact is nurturing the faith of our young people and I am excited to be a part of it.