Aside from my work with Leaving Futprints, I am currently working as a Certificated Substitute Teacher for San Dieguito Unified High School District while I finish up my Master's degree in education with a single subject credential from National University. I am still an active competitive youth soccer coach for the Cardiff Sockers where I also serve as the Co-Camp Director overseeing our holiday and summer soccer camps as well as our Spring futsal clinic. In addition, I am also the Head Coach for the Girls Varsity Soccer program at San Marcos High School. My end goal is to obtain a permanent teaching position at San Marcos High School in either the math or science department while also maintaining my position as head coach for the girls varsity soccer team. I want to use my platform in education and on the soccer field to leave a positive impact on all of my students and players to become successful, contributing members of society who are equipped with compassion, kindness, and a sense of stewardship.
What's something you learned at PLNU that you have carried on into your career?
My biggest takeaway from my program at PLNU was the idea of stewardship and the willingness to serve others with the intent of helping them achieve their goals rather than seeking one's own success. By supporting my peers, colleagues and network of professionals I am serving others, but I am receiving the satisfaction knowing that I am making a positive impact on their lives.