Everything You Need to Know About PLNU's Study Abroad Opportunities

PLNU student enjoying their study abroad experience.

The college experience is changing. More and more students are looking for unique learning opportunities outside of the classroom – and for good reason! Studying abroad allows students to explore new countries, unique cultures, and build independence while away from their home university. Whether your major requires you to participate in education abroad or you’ve been bit by the travel bug during the PLNU Study Abroad Fair – we’ve got you covered.

Why Study Abroad at PLNU?

Graphic of Point Loma students in beautiful Scotland, Italy, and Ireland scenery!

But why leave the campus you’ve grown to know and love? Turns out that there are many benefits to studying in a different country (and even language!). One of PLNU’s affiliate programs, the American Institute of Foreign Study (AIFS), found that more than 90% of alumni said that participating in an education abroad exchange program “developed or improved key skills for post-secondary education and entry to a global workforce.”

Our study abroad programs allow you to find the right fit for you. Through partner and faculty-led programs, the Study Abroad Office has helped students visit and learn in over 50 different countries. The Study Abroad Office doesn’t only specialize in PLNU-only programs — it also has a wide variety of abroad programs that have been reviewed and approved for students. Award-winning programs such as AIFS Abroad, API, and CEA CAPA are on the list for students wanting to experience a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. 

Top PLNU Faculty-Led Programs & Destinations

Two PLNU students taking a stroll around a park in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Experience Scotland

If spending autumn in Scotland is at the top of your bucket list this program may be for you. This experience gives Loma students the chance to live and study in Newbattle Abbey. Over the course of a semester, students will learn under PLNU and Scottish professors — immersing themselves in the culture and history they’re living in. Your studies won’t just be in the abbey. Students will make all of Scotland their classroom through excursions to the Highlands, Loch Ness, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and more!

Spring Break in Paris: From Frescoes to Graffiti

This Parisian program may be for you if a mid-semester international experience is more your speed. PLNU’s new study abroad art program allows students to take online courses in the spring semester and spend spring break traveling to watch this art come to life. Art student or not, this trip is for anyone itching to watch culture come to life. Join our art professors to see the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, and to sample some of the best pastries in the world. 

PLNU student taking a picture of a Parisian gallery while abroad.

Intro to Music and World Civilizations in Europe

Do you need to fulfill your GE requirements? Are you also looking to experience a Euro summer? Students have the opportunity to register for Intro to Music or Intro to World Civilizations and conclude their studies with a three-week trip spanning many European countries. Jaunt from London to Paris, then Venice to Austria to watch how your class lessons are a part of everyday life. 

Neotropical Ecology Costa Rica

Grab your hiking boots because this 10-day trip to Costa Rica is for students who love exploring the great outdoors. This two-unit spring course includes May travel for any student interested in biology, environmental studies, or any other related field. Students can expect to experience the unique and beautiful nature of Costa Rica firsthand and with PLNU faculty!  

Psychology in Berlin: From Conflict to Culture

If you have an interest in psychology, taking these unique courses also includes spending four weeks in Berlin. During this faculty-led program, students will also visit historical sites and are encouraged to use three-day weekends to travel however they prefer. 

Preparing for Your Journey 

The Study Abroad Office hosts daily info sessions that are required for students looking to study abroad. During these sessions, students can ask any questions they may have about what it takes to study abroad at PLNU. The session will cover the application process, offered programs, forms, and important deadlines.

You’re not alone while preparing for your travels. Paying for study abroad programs doesn’t have to be a scary process — all students meet with a financial services advisor after choosing a program to move forward with. For the partner and affiliate programs, federal and state grants and loans may be used alongside PLNU-offered scholarships to pay any additional program fees.

The study abroad office works directly with students pre- and post-application process, including hosting pre-voyage dinners and orientations so you can step on the plane more confident in yourself as a new student traveler. 

Who are you called to be?
Pursue your purpose at PLNU.

The Places You’ll Go

Visiting a new place can be the best education. As a student, you have unique opportunities that have the potential to shape your life beyond college. Discovering your strengths as a student and traveler can help you live your life better equipped with these new cultural experiences. Whether your dream is to explore the Scottish Highlands or peruse Parisian galleries, PLNU’s study abroad opportunities can help you make your travel dreams a reality. Drop by our Study Abroad Office today to help kick-start your journey! 

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