Are you interested in becoming an Occupational Therapist in the future? To become an Occupational Therapist you will need to graduate with your bachelor’s degree first then apply to a graduate program in Occupational Therapy studies.
It is challenging for applicants to be accepted into an occupational therapy graduate program. That is why it is vitally important to choose a university with a robust Pre-Occupational Therapy program like Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU). You can complete any major during your time at PLNU but we recommend either applied health science, health and human performance, education, or psychology as your major.
In conjunction with PLNU Occupational Therapy faculty, PLNU’s Pre-Occupational Therapy program is advised by Dr. Nicole Cosby or Dr. Brandon Sawyer, both of whom guide and encourage students wishing to pursue admission to Occupational Therapy graduate school. Furthermore, PLNU offers a robust clinical internship experience for students majoring in applied health science led by Dr. Alex Lytle, DPT.
PLNU offers a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy studies which will prepare you to become a licensed Occupational Therapist. Learn more about the program here. PLNU alumni are granted a slight advantage on their application scoring over non-PLNU applicants. There is also an opportunity for PLNU freshman to apply to and enter the Occupational Therapy Scholar’s Program. This program guarantees admission into PLNU’s Occupational Therapy program if all criteria are met and maintained through the 4 years at PLNU. You can learn more about the OT Scholars Program.