Graduate & Professional Student Spiritual Life

Looking up at the sky through the cross outside of Brown Chapel

We are so glad that you as a graduate student have chosen to be a part of the Point Loma Nazarene University Community. Our desire is to make resources available to you as you engage in whole life development.

The Office of Student Life and Formation offers spiritual care, resources and prayers for our students engaged in graduate and professional studies. We are here to help this season of professional development include a component of spiritual development. Your professors are key people who will model the integration of their faith and professional life. As you investigate this page you will see there are additional resources available to you. Some of these resources are in a pilot program and we would love to receive any suggestions from you in ways that we might better serve the graduate student.

Times of intense study can affect so many areas of your lives. Often personal balance is thrown significantly off-kilter as you pour yourself into renewed academic studies. Our prayer over you is that you will find strength, wisdom, endurance during this journey. We pray that you will grow closer to God in ways which will be life changing and life enriching.

Spiritual Resources

Download our Graduate Student Prayers for Seasons of Life

Visit the Chapel Page

Find Churches Near Your Regional Center

Bakersfield Regional Center Church Directory
Mission Valley (San Diego) Regional Center Church Directory

Regional Center Graduate Chaplains

We are in a personnel transition with some of our chaplain positions. For students from our Graduate and Adult Undergraduate programs who have a spiritual question, concern or need please feel free to contact any of the following chaplains:

Dr. Esteban Trujillo: University Chaplain - Point Loma Campus,
Rev. Brent Kall: Graduate Chaplain - Bakersfield Regional Campus,
Rev. Kevin Portillo: Graduate Chaplain - Balboa Regional Campus,
Rev. Dr. Sylvia Cortez Masyuk: Graduate Chaplain and Director of AUG Spiritual Care - Mission Valley and Liberty Station Campus,

Prayer Request

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”

Ephesians 6:18

We are a community that cares deeply for each other. We know and have experienced the importance of carrying our needs before our Lord in prayer. As we seek God with grateful hearts we wait in prayer for His guidance, comfort, direction and will for our lives. We know that those in the graduate community are pulled in many directions and have lives often stretched beyond limits. Praying for those in our community brings us closer to each other as we seek God’s blessing for the needs of our families, students, faculty, and staff. 

Please send prayer requests to your graduate site chaplain via email. Prayer requests will remain confidential unless the person making the request specifically states they would like their concerns shared with others. Prayers requests for others and unspoken needs are also welcomed.

 “Count your blessings! Yes, but over what area shall I look for them?  There is my personal life.  Let me search in every corner.  I have found forget-me-nots on many a rutty road.  I have found wild-roses behind a barricade of nettles…So I must look even in the dark patches of life, among my disappointments and defeats, and even there I shall find tokens of the Lord’s presence, some flowers of His planting.”

John Henry Jowett, 1863 – 1923