Request Accommodations

Request with Accommodate

EAC Eligibility Process. Document disability, meet with EAC staff, written accommodation plan, review and update as needed

1. Document Disability

  • It is important that the student is comfortable taking the leading role in working with the EAC. Students need to make the first contact with the EAC if accommodations are needed for academic and non-academic participation in campus activities by emailing
  • Current and prospective students seeking an accommodation must submit recent (within past 3 years) official documentation of their disability to qualify for EAC review and registration.
  • Email Provider Form and/or previous documentation, 504 Plan from High School/institution of higher education, psycho-educational evaluations, Informed Consent Disclosure, and Acknowledgement Form to
  • Laws regarding confidentiality and responsibility for disclosure change at age 18 or when a person enrolls in a post-secondary institution. 

Click here for short-term accommodations (concussions/surgeries, etc)

2. Meet with EAC Staff Member

  • Confirmed students will be emailed a link to schedule an appointment for an Accommodation Plan (AP) meeting with one of our Managers. 
  • Students are required to attend their AP meeting, either in-person or virtually
  • Students can invite others; however, we do not meet with parents or advocates without the student present.
  • Prior to the AP meeting, student can prepare by reviewing Sample Accommodations.
  • Be ready to explain past and present accommodations needs as they relate to the disability.

3. Written Accommodation Plan

  • Student and EAC staff create an Accommodation Plan that is available in Workday for viewing by students, their current professors, academic advisor and relevant staff when appropriate.
  • PLNU is accredited for in-person learning; therefore, remote learning exceptions are considered on an individual basis and evaluated separately from other accommodations. Click here for details on remote learning requests.

4. Review and Update as Needed

  • A student can request an update to the AP at any time. 
  • Additional documentation from a medical or mental health provider may be requested for additional accommodations.