Just implemented in fall 2022, PLNU now offers a tuition discount geared toward all active-duty service members who enroll in select PLNU Accelerated Undergraduate (AUG) programs!
Initiated to match all tuition assistance, a flat rate of $250 per unit will be granted to qualifying students. Active-duty service members can take courses at PLNU or collaborating community college campuses that are accredited by the university to fulfill their AUG requirements. Additionally, in-person, hybrid, and online courses are available to prospective active-duty students. To learn more about PLNU’s Military Programs and Services and Military Aid, check out the links below:
Thomas Egan, PLNU director of Military Programs and Services, shares how the new discount highlights PLNU’s relationship with active-duty students.
"PLNU's tuition discount will make obtaining a college degree a reality for many of our active-duty students. This discount is another example of how PLNU supports and truly values our military-connected community,”
- Thomas Egan.