kNOwMORE Promo Video
A unique program of PLNU's Center for Justice and Reconciliation (CJR) is kNOwMORE, a first-of-its-kind human trafficking awareness and prevention curriculum for middle school and high school youth in San Diego County.
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kNOwMORE! Promotional Video
A unique program of PLNU's Center for Justice and Reconciliation (CJR) is kNOwMORE, a first-of-its-kind human trafficking awareness and prevention curriculum for middle school and high school youth in San Diego County. kNOw MORE is an interactive, drama-based program to teach young people how to recognize the red flags and vulnerabilities around trafficking and take action for themselves and their peers. The curriculum was developed in collaboration with multi-disciplinary experts and is rooted in the latest sex trafficking research in San Diego.
Research confirmed that recruitment for the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) can start as young as 8 years old but the average age of entry in San Diego County is 16 years old. This underscores the urgent need for educational interventions in middle and high schools to prevent the proliferation of trafficking at its beginning stages. Since kNOwMORE's launch in 2016, over 16,000 students in San Diego County have been equipped with prevention education.
To bring kNOwMORE to your school OR donate to equip a high school student with prevention curriculum, visit the kNOwMORE website here.