Dr. Katie Manning, associate professor of writing, won the 2016 Main Street Rag Poetry Book Award for her first full-length poetry collection, Tasty Other. The book was published in November 2016 and celebrated with release parties at PLNU and the Women's Museum of California.
The poems in Tasty Other explore the wonder and terror of new motherhood, using everything from fairy tales and biblical narratives to pregnancy calendars to the poet’s own anxiety dreams.
About this collection, poet Luci Shaw says, "In birthing a baby, Katie Manning has also brought a new book to birth, each poem a living cell growing to a full body of poetry. It is earthy, witty, and speaks out of authentic personal experience. Taut, yet vibrating with life, I love how it gathers momentum as it goes."
Dr. Manning has presented poems from Tasty Other at several conferences, schools, reading series, and festivals from southern California to Washington, D.C. For more information about her poetry and future events, please visit her website.