Ray Havens
Adjunct Faculty, KinesiologyJudie Heineman, Ed.D.
Adjunct Professor of Computer Information Technology(619) 746-3570 judieheineman@pointloma.edu- (619) 849-2667 chennin1@pointloma.edu
Becky Henzel, M.A.
Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice, Child Development, & RN to BSN- (619) 849-2721 jhess@pointloma.edu
- (619) 849-7825 ahigginb@pointloma.edu
Jenna Hillman
Adjunct Professor- (619) 849-2206 richhills@pointloma.edu
William Hochberger, Ph.D
Adjunct Professor of PsychologyKim Hogelucht, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean of Traditional Undergraduate ProgramsProfessor of Business(619) 849-2685 kimhogelucht@pointloma.eduElizabeth Holbrook, DBA, CPA
Associate DeanAssociate Professor of Accounting(619) 849-3016 lizholbrook@pointloma.eduNatalie Hsieh
FacultyJC Hurtado-Prater, MBA
Assistant Dean of Graduate ProgramsAssociate Professor of Leadership(619) 849-3014 jhurtado@pointloma.edu- (808) 781-7074 jonathanhussey@pointloma.edu
Daniel Jackson, D.W.S.
Chair, Department of MusicProfessor of MusicChoir Conductor(619) 849-2386 danieljackson@pointloma.edu