Mariana Apalategui, M.A.
Part-Time Professor of SpanishLisa Balderston, M.A.
Adjunct Professor of Composition and LiteratureCarmen De León, Ph.D.
Part-Time Professor of SpanishCatherine Nina Evarkiou, M.A.
Part-Time Professor of CompositionBreeann Kyte Kirby, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Writing and Environmental StudiesAssistant Dean, School of Humanities, Arts, and Public Engagement(619) 849-3004 bkirby@pointloma.eduAlain Lescart Ph.D., M. Div.
Professor of French Studies and Literature(619) 849-2727 alescart@pointloma.eduRobbie Maakestad, M.F.A.
Associate Professor of WritingProgram Director, Master's in Writing(619) 849-2437 (619) 849-2432
Paul Minifee, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of CompositionDean E. Nelson, Ph.D.
Professor of Multimedia JournalismDirector, Writer's Symposium by the Sea(619) 849-2592 deannelson@pointloma.eduCharlene K. Pate, M.A.
Professor Emerita of Composition and LiteratureBettina Tate Pedersen, Ph.D.
Professor of Literature and Women's Studies(619) 849-2260 bpederse@pointloma.eduHolland Prior, M.F.A., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Rhetoric and CompositionDirector, Loma Writing Center(619) 849-2467 hprior@pointloma.eduKaren Seehaus, M.F.A.
Part-Time Professor of Composition and Literature