Mariana Apalategui, M.A.
Adjunct Professor of SpanishLisa Balderston, M.A.
Adjunct Professor of Composition and LiteratureDanielle Cervantes Stephens, M.A.
Adjunct Professor of Multimedia JournalismDavid Coddon, M.F.A.
Adjunct Professor of CompositionCarmen De León, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of SpanishCatherine Nina Evarkiou, M.A.
Adjunct Professor of CompositionKristen Fogle, M.A.
Adjunct Professor of CompositionBreeann Kyte Kirby, M.A., M.S., M.F.A.
Assistant Professor of WritingDirector, Environmental Studies(619) 849-3004 bkirby@pointloma.eduLaurel Krapivkin, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of LiteraturePam Fox Kuhlken, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of Composition and LiteratureAlain Lescart Ph.D., M. Div. Aggregation
Professor of French StudiesProfessor of Literature(619) 849-2727 alescart@pointloma.eduRobbie Maakestad, M.F.A.
Associate Professor of WritingProgram Director, Master's in Writing(619) 849-2437 (619) 849-2432
Bethany Mavis, B.A.
Adjunct Professor of Multimedia JournalismPaul Minifee, PhD
Adjunct Professor of CompositionJacqueline Mitchell, C. Phil
Co-ChairAssociate Professor of Spanish(619) 849-2419