Professor Luca Dal Pubel began his career at the Fermanian School of Business in 2020 as an Adjunct Professor of Organizational Leadership for our Adult Undergraduate Program. In 2022, Professor Dal Pubel began to teach Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in our Graduate Program. He has simultaneously and previously held teaching positions at a number of local and European universities. Professor Dal Pubel has guest or visitor lectured at numerous local and European institutions, volunteered on a number of committees, projects, has been a speaker, and has published in a plethora of publications. Additionally, Professor Dal Pubel has been engaged civically, won awards, and has been involved in a number of European organizations and associations.
- Doctorate, Information and Knowledge Society - Law, ABD, University of Catalunya
- Masters of Law, University of Bologna School of Law
- M.A., Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding, California State University - Dominguez Hills
Courses Taught
- Negotiation and Conflict Resolution - BUS 6061
Experience in Field
- Point Loma Nazarene University, Adjunct Professor of Negotiations, 2023 - present
- San Diego State University, Adjunct Professor of Alternative Dispute Resolution, 2014 - present
- International Institute Lorenzo de’ Medici, Professor of Conflict Resolution, Leadership and Negotiation, 2012 - 2018
- Independent Mediator, Facilitator and Online Dispute Resolution Expert, 2010 - present
Professional and Community Involvement
● San Diego State University, International Affairs, Global Learning Outcomes Committee, Fall 2020
● San Diego State University, General Studies Advisory Sub-Committee on Study Abroad for Social Sciences, Spring 2022
● Giustizia Consensuale Law Review, Editorial Committee Member, 2020 – Present
● The European Law Students’ Association (ELSA), National Negotiation Competition, Perugia, Italy, Faculty, September 26 - October 8, 2021
● San Diego State University CES Study Abroad Program in Internet, Law, and Politics, Barcelona, Spain, Faculty-Led, 2020 Winter Break
● San Diego State University CES Study Abroad Program in Internet, Law, and Politics, Barcelona, Spain, Faculty-Led, 2019 Winter Break
● International School in International Relations, Human Rights, Diplomacy, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal, Faculty Leader, 2018 Winter Break.
● International Visitor Leadership Program, San Diego Diplomacy Council, Met with Pakistan, Afghanistan, Vatican City, Kenya, Sudan, South Korea, and Bulgaria
delegations, 2008 - 2017
● State University/University of Bologna-Rimini, Italy, Summer School Communicate, Negotiate, Mediate, San Diego, Faculty, and Program Director, 2007 - 2016
● San Diego State University/the University of Barcelona - IL3, Spain, Winter School Collaborate, Facilitate, Conciliate, Faculty and Program Director, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Winter Break
● San Diego State University/Open University of Cataluña, Spain, Winter School Collaborate, Facilitate, Conciliate, Faculty and Program Director, January 2014.
● Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal, International School in International Relations, Human Rights, Diplomacy, Program Director and Faculty, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Winter Break
● University of Trento, Italy, International School in Mediation, Lecturer, EUROPEAN UNION (EU) PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS, January 2011
● InMediate, European Commission Funded Project within the Erasmus+ Program, 2020-2023.
● European Commission Fomento Project, 2018-2019.
● European Union Civil Justice Program, Fostering Cooperation in Cross-Border Civil Matters, Online Dispute Resolution in Cross-Border Disputes, 2010-2011.
● Emerging Trends in ADR and ODR in the US and EU, Summer Symposium UCSD - University of
Trento, Trento, Italy, June 17-21, 2024. Organizer and Academic Advisor.
● Advanced Mediation Training, Institute of German Culture, Padova, Italy, September 27, 2022,
● The Digital City, Italian National Association of Municipal Secretaries, Castel S. Pietro Terme (BO),
Italy, September 23-25, 2021, Presenter. Presentation Title: “Artificial Intelligence in the Public
● 7th Leipzig International Mediation Forum, Leipzig, Germany, June 21-23, 2021, Presenter.
● III University of Barcelona International PhD in Law Conference - El carácter multinivel del
Derecho global, May 12, 2021.
● A Potential Tool in a Mediation Strategy Webinar. Presenter: Dwight Golann (Suffolk University,
Law School). University of Trento, Italy, April 29, 2021.
● National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution (NCTDR) Virtual Forum on Online Dispute
Resolution (ODR), March 1-2, 2021.
● First Annual Congress of Doctoral Students, Miguel Hernández University, Spain, February 2,
● The Teaching of Law in the Digital Society, 10
th National Conference. Open University of
Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, July 5, 2019.
● Online Service Providers Liability in the EU and USA Seminar. Presenter: Prof. Jane Ginsburg,
Columbia University School of Law. Open University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, July 2, 2019.
● European Conference on Mediation in Cross-Border Succession Conflicts. EU-funded Project
Fomento. Leipzig, Germany, June 26, 2019, Presenter.
● The May Ward Foundation “Dame Inglesi” School, Mediation Training. Vicenza, Italy, 7-8, 18-19
June 2019, Trainer.
● Collaborative Economy: Challenges and Opportunities, 14
International Conference on Internet,
Law & Politics. Barcelona, Spain, 21 - 22 June 2018, Presenter.
● Equal Access to Information and Justice: Online Dispute Resolution, 17th International
Conference on Online Dispute Resolution. Paris, France, 12 - 13 June 2017.
● Building a European Digital Space, 12th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics.
Barcelona, Spain, 7 - 8 July 2016.
● LAEF 40th Annual Conference on Education and Culture. San Diego State University, CA, 11 - 13
March 2016, Speaker.
● University of Barcelona - IL3. Workshop in Mediation in Small Claims. Presenter. Barcelona, 10 -
11 July 2014.
● EU Cross-Border Mediation Training, Leipzig, Germany, 3 - 5 April 2012, Trainer.
● Mandatory Mediation in the Italian Legal System, Vicenza, Italy, March 30, 2012, Speaker.
● European Conference on Cross Border Mediation, Florence, Italy, 20 - 21 October 2011. Project
funded by the European Union - Member of the Conference Organizing Team.
● Mediator’s Role and Ethical Standards in Mediation, Conference Series University of
Bologna-Rimini, Italy, June 17, 2010, Speaker.
● NCRC Exchange Trainings for the Workplace, Trainer, San Diego, 2009 - 2017.
● Advanced Mediation Training, Bar Association of Perugia, Italy, Trainer, 19 - 20 November 2009.
● Advanced Mediation Training, Chamber of Commerce, Padova, Italy, 20 - 21 June 2004, Trainer.
● Advanced Mediation Training, Bar Association of Verona, Italy, 22 - 23 June 2004, Trainer.
● The Union Internationale Des Avocats (UIA) Forum of Mediation Centres, Milan, Italy, 24 - 25,
● US Technical Advisory Group (US/TAG) to ISO Committee Transaction Assurance in E-commerce
(ISO/TC 321), 2020.
● International Commission of European Citizens (ICEC), Selected International Observer, Catalan
Independence Referendum, October 2017.
● San Diego Diplomacy Council (SDDC) - International Visitor Leadership Program, 2008 - present.
● International Council for Online Dispute Resolution (ICODR), Member.
● Steinbeis – Mediation, Associate Trainer, Leipzig, Germany.
● Minister of Justice of Italy, Mediation Panel, Mediator.
● Resolutia Alternative Dispute Resolution S.r.l, Partner, Perugia, Italy.
● Bluebird Project, Co-founder and Partner, Torino, Italy.
● Senior Language Teacher, Italian Cultural Center, San Diego, CA.
● Luca Coscioni Association for the Freedom of Scientific Research, Member.
● - European Citizens for Democracy and Sustainable Development, Board Member.
● Joan B. Kroc of Peace Studies, Mentoring Alliance Program, University of San Diego, 2017 – 2019.